Miseries of Misconceived Democracy (হার্ডকভার)
Miseries of Misconceived Democracy (হার্ডকভার)
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In this collection of articles, Miseries of Misconceived Democracy G.M.Quader evinces his capability to analyze the existing political situation and articulate his ideas and opinions based on sound reasoning. Written during 1997-2013, the articles are intended to create public awareness and also to mould government decisions for pro-people and Smooth functioning of affairs of state. This book will give a commentary on the national issues came up at different points of time during the mentioned period and will provide the writer's views on those as a record. This record of course cannot simply be considered as personal one for it honestly and intrepidly encompasses the political landscape of Bangladesh.

Title : Miseries of Misconceived Democracy
Author : জি.এম. কাদের
Publisher : ম্যাগনাম ওপাস
ISBN : 9789847390253
Edition : 2013
Number of Pages : 272
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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